Meditation FAQ

1.    What is Meditation?

Historically meditation has been synonymous with the religious traditions of the East and the monastic life. What we consider meditation today in the Western world is much broader and no longer associated exclusively with Eastern religion.

Meditation in today’s world has come to incorporate breathing techniques, guided visualization and/or traditional meditation techniques.

Meditation, breathing and guided visualization are healing tools that have been used by human beings since ancient times. Currently an explosion of research in neuroscience is validating the healing power of meditation on physical, mental and emotional levels.

Meditation can simply be described as a practice of concentrated focus on a sound, object, breath or the moment itself to create a state of mindfulness and thus reduce stress, induce relaxation and enhance personal and spiritual growth. Traditional meditation involves sitting in a lotus position using and repeating a mantra to clear the mind and achieve the desired state.

2. Why do people meditate?

Scientific research has shown that the amount of stress we have in our lives and how we handle that stress has a tremendous impact on how we function and feel mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Stress originates from two sources, internal and external. External stressors are people, circumstances and events within our physical reality that we have no direct control over, for example traffic, other people’s actions, death and weather etc...Internal stressors are created by our perceptions and reactions to these external stressors. Internal stress is affected by our sex, culture, gender orientation, socioeconomic status beliefs, thoughts, expectations and childhood conditioning.

In our ever fast paced world of demands as well as technological wonders and distractions, many people are feeling increasingly disconnected from themselves, their families, friends, environment and the world at large.

What can we as individuals do about this?

The answer is simple and easy: Take a break, reconnect within and your perspective will change.

Your stress level will decrease. These breaks can be easily accessed by anyone making the choice to make time and create an opportunity for themselves through the practice of meditation.

3.  What is Guided Meditation?

Guided visualization is a guided meditation, with one person guiding another through a journey of the mind. As with traditional meditation it relaxes the body and helps you to resolve issues in your life by allowing you to access a different state of being. Guided visualization is also being used for PTSD, cancer care and various other medical conditions.

4.  What is Breathwork?

Breathwork focuses on controlling our inhalations and exhalations. In China Qi Gong has been a formal part of Chinese medicine for over 2000 years. Qi Gong translates to energy discipline and means both breathing control and energy control. As with meditation and guided visualization this technique promotes relaxation, re-balancing , and positive effects on mental, physical and emotional health.

Breathing is something we do everyday, every moment to live. It is a natural and necessary process, so is listening and imagining. Therefore, everyone is capable of availing themselves of these simple, effective and time tested healing tools.

5. What are the benefits of meditation?

Recent clinical studies in the ever expanding field of neuroscience have proven that meditation provides positive effects physiologically and psychologically.

Meditation may simply be defined as a repeated practice of fostering positive elements in one’s life.

The benefits of meditation are so amazing and varied that it has finally entered mainstream medicine. It is being used as a tool to help people reduce stress and pain with chronic and/or terminal illness. To help people with suppressed immune systems, high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and many other conditions.

6. What does meditation do to the brain? 

Studies at Harvard University reveal that there is a decrease in respiration and an increase in heart rate and blood oxygen saturation levels during meditation. It is known that high levels of oxygen in the blood and brain promote health and healing.

Studies at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard and Yale Universities has shown that meditation actually slows down the deterioration of the brain, a natural process of aging. The National Institute of Health has shown that activity in the amygdala (the part of the brain involved with anxiety and fear) reduces and activity in the pre-frontal cortex (part of the brain involved with decision making, reasoning and the inhibitory center) actually increases. This translates to quelling fears and negative memories and allowing resolution of issues to occur.

In brain studies at the University of Colorado Dr. James Austin reports meditation rewires the circuitry. This theory has been confirmed using functional MRI imaging. Research suggests that meditation can retrain the amygdala in the brain which is the center of anxiety, fear and fearful memories.

Many people feel as if they are asleep while meditating. Nothing could be further from the truth. Our brain is an electrochemical organ which uses electromagnetic energy to function. This electromagnetic energy is measured in the various, recordable waves that occur in our brain.

They are as follows:

Many studies have been conducted measuring the alpha, delta, theta and gamma brain waves in humans. During meditation theta waves were most abundant in the frontal and middle parts of the brain. When scientists measured mental calm during meditation they discovered the above-mentioned brain areas signaled to the lower regions of the brain to induce physical relaxation.
Simply stated the study of meditation spurs activity in the left prefrontal cortex which is associated with concentration, planning, positive emotional state and mega-cognition (thinking about thinking). Increased activity in the left pre-frontal lobes is also linked with temperament, emotions and self control.

Clearly there are so many amazing reasons to meditate. Imagine there are no reported downsides in the various studies, only upsides to physical, mental and emotional levels. So take control of your life and your health and begin to meditate.

See our Mind and Body Meditation Trackshere

Subliminal Empowerment Pods FAQ

1.    What are  Empowerment Pods / Subliminals?

We fertilize and tend our gardens, tune up our cars and update our computers, but what about our ever working brain? Our brains are an amazing resource for our use if we provide it with the proper updates, tools and nutrients from a trusted source. That’s what subliminals are all about.

Subliminal messages are nothing new and have been utilized by various groups and agencies for their effectiveness. Neuroscience has just confirmed that our subconscious mind is the mind that is really in control. The research has also shown that our brains continue to have plasticity allowing the brain to continuously learn, change and grow if we provide it with the right supports.

Subliminal simply means perceived below the threshold of critical consciousness. Simply put, the subliminal messages are able to bypass the interference of the critical conscious mind and be absorbed by your subconscious mind. This is what makes subliminals an effective tool for change. You simply choose what particular goal you would like to work on and listen to relaxing music, all while your brain absorbs the positive messages assisting you toward your selected goal.

With subliminals all you will hear is music while powerful positive messages silently help you toward your goal. To transform and re-train your brain simply listen to the track over and over again. The more you listen, the faster the change occurs. Subliminals are not hypnotic so you can listen anytime, anywhere. Time is a precious commodity in our ever-fast paced world and subliminals allow you to be free to do other activities while listening. Perhaps training at the gym, cooking dinner, reading or at the office. The possibilities are endless. There couldn’t be an easier or more effective way to achieve all your desired goals. Change CAN BE easy!

To view our Subliminal Empowerment Pods Tracks please click here

Hypnosis FAQ

1. What is Hypnosis?

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis and is a natural state of being that we enter and exit daily without even being aware. Ever daydream or miss your exit while driving on the highway? You simply entered into a trance state, although fully in control of your vehicle, your mind was somewhere else.

Hypnosis has been used for thousands of years for many purposes by innumerable cultures. Being in a state of hypnosis allows us to access countless possibilities for change, healing, self-exploration and self-actualization. Hypnosis is a state of relaxation accompanied with a heightened state of awareness, which allows us to automatically and intentionally make changes that we may be unable to make consciously.

2. Are the many myths surrounding Hypnosis true?

There are common misconceptions about hypnosis. Some people fear they will bark like a dog, cluck like a chicken or lose control in some other way like they see during a stage hypnosis. Remember though, that these people have willingly participated in this and that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis.

Let’s look at some other common myths surrounding hypnosis. Some people fear that they can be hypnotized against their will. This is absolutely false unless of course you had been brainwashed first. Again, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis so if you do not choose to enter this heightened state of relaxed focus you will not. If you do choose to, remember YOU are always in control.

People may fear that the hypnotist has complete control over you while you are in this state of hypnotic relaxation. Remember, your own subconscious/unconscious mind will NEVER violate your values or morals no matter what the suggestion. Your mind will simply disregard the suggestions.

Some people feel that hypnosis will make them into Super Humans. We are all born with certain innate and unique abilities and strengths. By availing yourself of hypnosis, you will assist yourself into becoming the best you that you can be.

Some fear that they may get stuck in a hypnotic state and won’t come back. You will always come out of a hypnotic state, no one stays in an indefinite state of hypnosis ever. The most that could happen is that you would fall asleep and awaken naturally.

3. What are the benefits of Hypnosis?

Hypnosis allows our conscious minds to take a break from all the day to day functioning and stress modern life entails. Once the conscious mind rests it allows our subconscious or unconscious mind to perform whatever it determines is best for us.

Neuroscience has recently proven that our subconscious/unconscious mind is always in control, whether we realize it or not, affecting our beliefs, thoughts, choices and actions. The good news is that if you are engaging in beliefs, thoughts, choices and actions that you recognize are detrimental to you, then avail yourself of this hypnotic tool for change. It can assist you in using your brain’s ability to retrain itself at any age (neuroplasticity) into healthier belief, thought and behavioral patterns, thus improving your life.

4. How is this accomplished?

This is accomplished by working with an MP3 or CD and simply allowing yourself a quiet, comfortable space where you will not be disturbed by electronic devices, other people, pets or anything else. Once that is accomplished, simply follow along with the voice and allow yourself to drift deeper and deeper into a natural state of relaxation.
Once you do, your body will be relaxing, your conscious mind will take a vacation and your all knowing subconscious/unconscious mind is allowed the opportunity to resolve issues and find creative solutions for you quickly and easily. This is accomplished because your conscious mind will be resting and not be interfering with this helpful process.

Hypnosis has been known to be helpful for many people experiencing symptoms of chronic pain, depression, low self-esteem, anxiety and stress related illnesses such as irritable bowel syndrome, skin rashes, migraines, etc. In addition, it has been used successfully with smoking cessation, assisting with weight loss, pre and post operative procedures, facilitating pain reduction and healing as well as pain reduction during childbirth.

Medical hypnosis is used in dental procedures and in some cases in the place of anesthesia during surgery, however these are specialties.

So, if you are open to the reality that you have a resource within your own mind that possesses all your answers and solutions, then this the tool is for you.

Try our Hypnotic Tracks by clickinghere